many people today are asking about the relation between hypertension and stress.some of them think that over stress can cause hypertension ,actually stress is an important risk factor for hypertension this means that it aids and facilitate the appearence of hypertension.hypertension and stress are now corelated because of the stressful lifstyle noadays esp in the urban areas and among people subjected to stress as business mens.
High blood pressure can be a very dangerous, and often untreated, symptom of stress. In fact, perhaps 70% of all high blood pressure problems are related to emotional responses to difficult or dangerous situations. When this response becomes habituated by your body, the prolonged high blood pressure can lead to long term permanent physical damage such as hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), heart, strokes, liver, or kidney damage. These can be very serious and very scary, but many people do not know they have high blood pressure or do not treat this potential killer disease.Insomnia or problems with sleeping may affect your high blood pressure. If this is an issue for you, you may want to read the section on sleeping disorders and use the special tape at bedtime to help you get to sleep and so rest better.
The keys to controlling hypertension and stress are:Breathe slowly/diaphragmatically Regular deep relaxation with Biofeedback Temperature monitoring Use a guided relaxation tape regularly! Learn to warm your hands and feet Avoid caffeine and stimulants Regular aerobic exercise Remain in the present... in your body, in a positive way Taper your high blood pressure medication after you have mastered the relaxation- biofeedback, under your physician's care.
Stress Management MedicationsUse a Stress medications suitable for for hypertension and stress 1-3 times per day for 8-12 weeks. Use the StressDots on your hands to learn how to warm your hands with relaxation. When you can consistently get above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (93-95 degrees is ideal) then you can begin to master warming your feet to 90 degrees. When you can "let go" by relaxing and warming your hands and feet, you will be able to control if not prevent your panic episodes. Then you must develop the confidence in your control so hypertension and stress will not control your life.
By readind these lines i hope you can controll hypertension and stress to have better life.